Our vision is to provide opportunities for Australian volunteers to use their personal gifts to contribute to overseas mission communities and to participate in the mission of Don Bosco which is to minister to young people, especially the poor and disadvantaged and guide them towards becoming good Christians and honest citizens.
The Cagliero Project is an initiative of the Australia-Pacific Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco, providing overseas volunteer experiences for Australians who wish to work with disadvantaged young people.
The Cagliero Project incorporates the values of Salesian Voluntary Service: a preferential love for the poor, a focus on education and a lived family spirit. Cagliero volunteers commit to working in Salesian communities in the way of Don Bosco with a spirit of joyful, loving and selfless service.
The Cagliero Project seeks to fulfil a number of aims and objectives in relation to volunteers, recipient communities and the Salesian Family.